Pamela Boozer-Strother is a devoted parent and a dedicated activist who is running for re-election as the District 3 representative on the Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Board of Education.
Since her election to the PGCPS Board of Education in 2018, Pamela has delivered on her promises:
- Pamela continues to lead through the unexpected crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting CEO Dr. Goldson's decisions focused on putting the health and safety of staff and students first. Pamela will continue to advocate on increasing vaccination rates in each school building, academic supports and operational changes needed for improved air quality in buildings and school buses.
The school construction and overcrowding relief plan for the Adephi/Hyattsville area is already underway with the delivery of the new 800 seat Cherokee Lane Elementary School (July 2022) and the new Sonia Sotomayor Middle School at Adelphi (Fall 2023) and the planning of the new Northern Area High School (Fall 2027)
- School construction funding for replacement of the oldest schools in the District, including the new Hyattsville Middle School (Fall 2023) and the new Hyattsville Elementary School (2026).
- Transparent and timely communication from PGCPS to parents, staff and broader community, with multi-language alerts and increased use of user friendly apps.
- Supports families daily with individualized advocacy and help navigating the school system.
- Co-Chair and Board sponsor of the Climate Change Action Plan Focus Work Group of the Board of Education that has presented the first-ever PGCPS carbon-emissions reduction plan for the school system.
- Increased funding for English Language Learners, Special Education and neighborhood Community Schools through coordinated advocacy and lobbying for Blueprint for Maryland's Future/Kirwan Commission. Since 2019, District 3's Community Schools have each received more than $500,000 in grants for expanded student programming, and each now have a dedicated mental health coordinator. Pamela has served as the Board representative on the Community Schools Steering Committee for PGCPS for the past two years, collaborating with nonprofit partners and PGCPS division leaders on implementing the needs of each of the now 95 Community Schools.
- Expanded mental health services through budget and policy priority shifts that have led to more than 100 schools with mental health practitioners, with all schools funded by 2024, and instituted a new policy in 2020 that mental health days now be approved as lawful absences.
- Passed Board Policy 0101 - Educational Equity in 2019 that now guides all decision making in PGCPS, and centers decision making on recognizing each child's unique experiences. In April 2021, Pamela joined with her colleagues to pass the school systems first policy specifically protecting LGBTQIA+ students, staff and families, Board Policy 0103 - Inclusive Environments for LGBTQIA+ People.
Pamela is a Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate working with parents and administration on the PGCPS campaign to educate school families on securing guns in the home and on reporting threats of violence. Pamela collaborated with CEO Dr. Goldson on the firearms safety letter sent to every PGCPS parent in August 2022 as part of the Back-to-School packets.
Pamela serves in many influential leadership roles.
- Chair, Climate Change Action Plan Focus Work Group, 2021-2022
- Board of Education Policy & Governance Committee Chair, 2020-2021, Vice-Chair 2019-2020 and Member, 2022
- Board of Education Operations, Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee Member, 2021-2022
- Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Act, Maryland Associate of Boards of Education (MABE), 2021-2022
- Community Schools Steering Committee Board Representative, 2020-2022
- Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE), 2019-2021
- Policies and Procedures Committee, Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE), 2022
- Aspen Ideas Conference: Climate (May 2022), invited participant in the K12 Climate Action project convening to represent the PGCPS Climate Change Action Plan.
- In April 2021, Pamela was the Board Member selected to meet with U.S. Secretary of Education, Dr. Miguel Cardona, when he visited Mary Harris Mother Jones Elementary School for his re-open schools tour.
More About Pamela Before she was Elected to Serve the School Communities of District 3
Pam was born in Prince George’s County, and, since 2005, she has made a home here with her wife, Margaret, and their son, Kyle. Before Kyle even started kindergarten, Pam started getting involved with the neighborhood school’s Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). Now he is in 6th grade and headed to Hyattsville Middle School! Pam understands exactly what it takes to set every child up for success.
Pam served as a PTO officer at Mount Rainier Elementary School in District 3 from 2015-2017. She helped raise more than $20,000 for arts integration programs at both Mount Rainier Elementary School and Thomas S. Stone Elementary School.
Pam is a fighter for more funding and resources for Prince George’s County public school students and educators. Prior to running for the Board, she regularly attended Board of Education meetings, where she has advocated for increased investment in school construction/maintenance, second/third language learning options and parent engagement.
Pam is a big believer in the power of the arts in education for self-expression and critical thinking. For many years, she served as a board member for the Gateway Community Development Corporation, which has driven the arts-centered economic revitalization of the Route 1 corridor. In that capacity, she helped support art and education residencies including steel drum instruction for Northwestern High School and a world percussion ensemble at Hyattsville Middle School. She was also involved in the opening of the Gateway Arts Center in Brentwood as well as the Prince George’s African American Museum and Cultural Center in North Brentwood. She passionately supports Joe's Movement Emporium and the Club Joe's after-care program for PGCPS children as well as the many non-profit arts organizations such as Art Works Now and the Brentwood Arts Exchange.
in Spring 2018, Pamela was awarded the Mighty Joe Impact Award from Joe's Movement Emporium.
In all of these leadership roles, Pam has had to successfully work with officials at the local and state level to bring the resources needed to serve the kids in her community.
Pam also served on the Town of Brentwood Safety Committee and as an assistant coach with Prince George’s Soccer, Inc's league HMB, serving the kids of Hyattsville, Mount Rainier, Brentwood, North Brentwood and other District 3 families including University Park and Lewisdale.
Pam is a graduate of Alfred University (NY) and earned her MBA at the American University’s Kogod School of Business. She is a Democrat running for this nonpartisan Board of Education seat. Visit the Platform page to learn about Pam's priorities for PGCPS.
Pamela can be reached at [email protected] and 202-486-5990 (text or call).
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